Lumbar Decompression

USD 2705 onwards

What is Lumbar Decompression?

Lumbar Decompression is a surgical procedure to treat compressed nerves in the lower spine.

How is the Procedure Performed?

The procedure involves an incision over the affected area of the spine down to the bony arch of a vertebra, to access the compressed nerve. After this, the nerve is pulled back towards the centre of the spinal column and part of the bone pressing the nerve is removed. 

Who is the Right Doctor for Lumbar Decompression?

An Orthopedic Surgeon is a right doctor to consult for Lumbar Decompression.

What is the Usual Success Rate for this Procedure?

Usually, the success rate is high and varies between 85-90%.

The individual can resume daily activities within 4-6 weeks of the surgery. 

Cost related to Lumbar Decompression in India

Treatment nameCost range
Surgical decompressionRs.222000 to Rs.296000