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Infertility is when a couple cannot conceive after having unprotected sex for a year or more. It can be because of issues with one of the partners. It can also happen if the woman cannot carry the pregnancy to its full term.

It is a very common problem in the modern world. Stress and lifestyle issues are adding to the causes. 

Men and women are both equally likely to have this problem. There are treatments available now, which increases your chances of success.

What are the causes of infertility?
There are a series of steps that have to happen correctly for the pregnancy to be a success. There are many reasons for it not to happen correctly. The reasons can be different for men and women.

Causes of male infertility
When a man ejaculates, the sperm is within the seminal fluid or semen, which travels to the egg in the ovaries. The main reasons for infertility in men are 

Production of the sperm: Genetic defects, health issues like diabetes can all be a reason for the quality of the sperm. You will also need a high sperm count. A count of more than 15 million is needed. 
Delivery of the sperm: Premature ejaculation, blocks in the testicles can all affect the delivery of the sperm. It affects the way the sperm swim through to the egg in the female ovary.
The shape of the sperm: Abnormal shape of the sperm will make it hard to move and reach the egg

Causes of female infertility
It can be due to the problems in ovulation and fertilization. The common problems include

Ovulation issues: You need to have a proper release of the eggs from the ovary. Hormonal issues, thyroid problems, too much exercise, tumors, eating disorders can all cause issues here. PCOS and poor egg quality are other reasons for this problem.
Problems with your uterus: Some issues can block the movement of eggs from the ovary to your uterus. It can be due to 
Tumors in the uterine walls
Blocks or damage to the fallopian tubes
Abnormal growth of tissues outside the ovary
Scarring of tissues due to surgery in the pelvic or cervical region

Risk factors of infertility
Most of the risk factors are common for both men and women. These include

Age: Men over 40 and women over 35 are less fertile and thus at a higher risk
Smoking: Smoking causes many issues like erectile dysfunction and low sperm count in men. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. 
Alcohol: It causes low sperm count in men. It also increases the risk in women if they have it during conception or pregnancy.
Weight: Women should maintain the right weight as both being underweight or overweight can lead to issues.
Cancer treatment: It is a major reason for infertility in couples.
Exposure to toxins: The risk is higher if you have exposure to pesticides, radiation, etc. Too much of steam baths and saunas are harmful as it affects sperm production in men.

Diagnosis of infertility
You should visit a doctor if there is no pregnancy even after 12 months of trying. Your doctor will discuss with you both and understand in detail about your sexual habits. There will also be a physical check by the doctor.

There are tests for both men and women, which helps the doctor identify the problem in most cases. Studies show that about one-third of the cases are due to problems in men. Another one-third is due to issues with women. The remaining one-third do not have any real reason behind it.

Tests for men
It includes semen analysis, hormone testing, genetic test, etc.

Tests for women
The common tests are ovulation tests, ovarian reserve tests, hormone tests, and imaging tests.

Ayurveda and fertility
Ayurveda is an old medical system with a holistic view of life. As per that, all of us have three basic doshas the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Along with this, there are seven main tissues or dhatus which nourishes our body and provides growth and structure. These are: 

Plasma or Rasa
Blood or Rakta
Muscle or Mamsa
Fat or Medas
Bone or Asthi
Bone marrow or Majja
Reproductive fluid or Shukra

All of these doshas and dhatus need to be in balance for us to be fit and healthy. All the treatments in Ayurveda aim at correcting any issues with the balance of these doshas and dhatus.

Ayurveda sees infertility or 'Vandyatha' as a major problem with couples. It views conception as a result of four steps.

Good quality of sperms or Beeja
Proper form and function of the female uterus, which is the Kshetra
The right time or Ritu
Proper nutrition or Ambu

All these four factors need to be right for a healthy pregnancy. So the treatments aim at correcting any issues that prevent these four steps. 

Stress, inactive lifestyle, exposure to chemicals, alcohol, smoking, junk foods can all affect the quality of sperms and the function of the uterus. 

The right time for conception is very important, as per Ayurveda. Both the partners must be free of worries and stress during this time. Spring season is the ideal season.

Both of you should have Food items that supply enough nutrition. These include asparagus, broccoli, milk, ghee, black sesame seeds, honey, dates, almonds, ginger, garlic, onion, and saffron. You should avoid items like packaged food items, pungent foods, and citrus foods as they can aggravate Pitta dosha.

Ayurvedic treatment for fertility
Vajikarana is a branch in Ayurveda which deals with sexual health and potency. 

The main methods of the treatment are

Panchakarma procedures to detoxify and cleanse your body
Procedures to correct the structure and the function of the reproductive organs.
Rasayana procedures to nourish the system and improve general health.
Vajeekarana procedures to improve the sexual stimuli, to improve the quality of the sexual act and the quality of semen or ovum.
Oral medicines to protect the zygote.
There will be three main phases of the treatment. Even if the issue is only with a partner, it is best that both of you come together for the treatment.

The first phase is the cleansing phase, where the goal is to remove the toxins and prepare for the main treatment ahead. Abhyangam, Kizhi, Vasthi, Dhara, etc. form part of the treatment as per the body type of the person. During this, Dhara & Pizhichil are the main treatments. Warm oil gets applied all over the body. It lubricates the system, makes the body softer and oil penetrates to deeper Dhathus. They also relax the mind and lubricate the body. These treatments form the preparative treatments for Panchakarma. Later on, Panchakarma detoxification methods like Vasthi, Virechanam Nasyam, etc. are carried out.

The second phase is to correct the structure and functions of the reproductive organs. Internal medicines and external procedures such as “Utharavasthi”, are done during this phase to clear the tracts of the sexual organs. Utharavasthi is a special Ayurveda practice for women. It is a process using oils etc. to strengthen the uterus and cervix. In certain cases, Utharavasthi is used in men also. Correction of the menstrual cycle, Correction of sperm count, motility, etc. are addressed during this phase.

The next phase is the strengthening phase. It involves enema treatments along with strengthening the body by using Njavarakizhi, Palkizhi, Ksheeradhara, etc. For men, Snehapanam, which is consuming medicated ghee, helps in better sperm count and quality. There are also Rasayana treatments to improve body strength.

Your will have to continue with the medicines, the diet, and advice from the doctor even after the treatment. It will help to produce a healthy progeny and to protect the fetus during the pregnancy period. 

According to Ayurveda, both husband and wife are to undergo the treatments simultaneously for the ideal result. Both the partners should be healthy to have a healthy baby. Both husband and wife need to be in the hospital for 21-28 days for the best results. Yoga and meditation will also be part of the treatment as they help with stress relief.