Cervical Spondylosis

USD 1300 onwards

As we age, the wear and tear damage the joints and discs in our cervical spine. This condition is Cervical spondylosis. Cervical osteoarthritis and neck arthritis are other names for this condition.

More than 85 percent of people above 60 years of age are affected by this condition. Men tend to have it at a younger age than women. 

Some of the main symptoms are stiffness and severe chronic pain in the neck. Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical spondylosis has been of great help to many in their fight against this disease.

Cause of Cervical Spondylosis 
The backbone in your spine has bones and cartilage in it. It will gradually have wear and tear.

With age, your spine will slowly start to show the effects of this wear and tear. The spine becomes stiffer as it begins to lose fluid within the spinal column. All of this can cause issues that can lead to Cervical Spondylosis. 

Some of these issues are

Dehydrated discs - You have a set of discs that act as cushions between the vertebrae of your spine. As you grow older, these discs lose their lubrication. It causes the discs to rub against each other, causing pain.  

Bone spurs - Bones in your body keep renewing itself. When the degeneration of discs and the cartilage happens, the bone starts growing to compensate for this loss. But, these will be abnormal growth called bone spurs or osteophytes. When this bone spurs press against the spinal cord and nerve, it causes pain.

Herniated discs - Sometimes, your spinal discs will develop cracks. The gel-like substance which acts as a cushion in the disc, leaks out through these cracks. It leads to friction between the discs and spinal cord  again  causing pain and numbness (in the course of the corresponding spinal nerve). A very common condition of this kind is Sciatica.

Injury - Injury can be due to fall or due to continuous stress due to work-related activities. 

Stiff ligaments - Ligaments are cords of tissue that connect the different bones in your body. These can get stiff because of age, resulting in a less flexible neck.

Risk factors for Cervical spondylosis
Some of the main factors that can increase the risk are

Age - People above 60 are more at risk
Work-related activities like manual labour that needs you to lift weights and other activities like dancing, gymnastics etc.
Sitting and lying posture. Desk jobs where sitting posture is not properly maintained and using heavy pillows while sleeping in the bed.
Neck injuries 
Lack of physical activity
Family history
Overweight or obese

Symptoms of Cervical spondylosis
Most people do not feel any symptoms. And when it does occur, it can be gradual or sudden. Some of the common signs include:


Pain in the neck
Stiffness in the neck
Tingling or numbness in the shoulders and arms
Inability to turn your neck or head around
Lack of coordination and difficulty in walking

Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylosis
Your doctor will use physical tests and imaging tests for this. The primary checks will be 

Your reflexes and muscle strength to see if there is any pressure on your spinal nerves and spinal cord.
Your walk to see if the spinal compression is affecting your stride. 
The span of motion of your neck

Imaging tests will include


CT scan - It provides a more detailed and clearer image of the bones. 
Neck X-Ray - This will show all the abnormalities in your neck that indicate cervical spondylosis. 
MRI - This will help to narrow down affected areas. 
Myelography - Here, they will insert a tracer dye into the spinal cord. It will help to provide a comprehensive image of the spinal cord. 

Your doctor might also ask you to take Nerve Function tests to check if the nerve signals are traveling properly to your muscles. Other tests include


Nerve conduction study - Electrodes will be attached to your skin above the nerve. A small shock will then be passed through the nerve to measure the speed and strength of nerve signals. 
Electromyography - This test measures the electrical activity in your nerves when they deliver messages to your muscles

Ayurveda view on Cervical Spondylosis
Ayurveda is an Indian medical system which is in use for more than 5000 years. Sandhigata Vata, Greeva Stambha, Vishvaachi are conditions described in Ayurveda texts which closely match Cervical Spondylosis.  

Ayurveda classifies all diseases as disorders in three doshas or energy forces within us. As per Ayurveda, Cervical spondylosis is a Vata disorder. Vata governs the flow of blood circulation and nerve conduction in our bodies. Age, improper posture, lifestyle issues can cause Vata to go out of balance. 

As the circulation becomes cold and dry, it sucks out the fluid in the spines. It thus causes Kapha dosha, which is responsible for the body fluids and stability, to go bad. 

When that happens along with the Vata issues, the fluid in the spinal column starts to dry out. Without proper nourishment, the tissues begin to deteriorate. The loss of fluid in the spine makes the discs to rub against each other. It leads to pain and numbness in the neck area.

Ayurvedic treatments for Cervical Spondylosis
People look for Ayurvedic treatment as the side effects are minimal, and results are long-lasting. Ayurvedic treatment of Cervical spondylosis will usually be for 21-28 days. 

The doctor will need to see you before finalizing the treatment plan and time. Your primary dosha type will also be a factor in your treatment. You will need to be in the hospital for the treatment. Diet will be vegetarian, and it will be as per the directions by the doctor.

The main aims of the treatment are 

Relieve the inflammation in the nerves and the tissues around the neck area
Get your muscles around the area to relax and loosen
Correct the damage in your nerves
Strengthen the muscles and the nerves
Medicines from herbs and synchronised Ayurvedic massage therapies are the main methods. Therapies like Podikkizhi, Ilakkizhi help in relieving the inflammations. Other main procedures include Greevavasthi, Greeva Pichu, Thailadhara and Njavarakkizhi, and Nasya.

Other treatment options for Cervical Spondylosis
The conventional treatment methods are

Medications : The doctor may give anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, etc. These medicines may have side effects, so you must get a doctor's advice before taking them.


Physical therapies : There will be steps to stretch your neck and lengthen your muscles. Some people use traction, which will help provide more space within the spine.


Surgery : The doctors may suggest surgery if the condition is severe.


Ayurvedic treatment is a good option to consider for Cervical spondylosis. It will have minimal side effects and a lasting effect on your spine. 


Prevention of Cervical Spondylosis
While there is no sure way to prevent, following are some of the steps that can be of help


Use correct posture while you are sitting, standing or walking
Do regular exercises and be active
Stop smoking if you are a smoker
Do regular stretches while at work
Avoid injuries to your neck