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Glaucoma is the name of a group of eye disorders that damage your optic nerve. Your optic nerve is the nerve that carries information from your eye to your brain. 

Glaucoma occurs due to extreme pressure in your eye. If it worsens, it can cause vision loss or permanent blindness. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. 

You may not feel any pain or symptoms until vision loss occurs.  While it can occur at any age, it is most common among people above 60. 

There is no cure for glaucoma. However, Ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma gives very good results.

What is the cause of Glaucoma?
There is a clear fluid produced at the back of your eye, known as aqueous humor. This liquid flows out of your eye through a channel. If there is an overproduction of the aqueous humor, this channel gets blocked. It increases the intraocular pressure, which is the natural pressure in your eye. When this pressure increases, the optic nerve gets damaged. As the damage worsens over time, you may start to lose vision.  

Types of glaucoma
Open-angle glaucoma - This is the most common type. You will have patchy blind spots in your side or central vision. You will also have tunnel vision during the advanced stages. 
Acute angle-closure glaucoma - This occurs when the aqueous humor doesn't drain from your eyes. It causes a sudden build-up of pressure.

Risk Factors of glaucoma
Certain factors can increase the risk of having glaucoma. These are:

Age above 60
Family history 
Having corneas that are thin in the center 
Medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure 
Eye injuries or certain types of eye surgery 
Taking eye drops or corticosteroid medications for a long time 
Being nearsighted or farsighted 

Symptoms of glaucoma
There are no early signs of open-angle glaucoma. It develops slowly over time. The disease may be in the advanced stage by the time you notice the signs. Loss of side vision is the first sign that you will see.

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a medical emergency condition. You will need immediate treatment in this case. The usual symptoms are  

Eye pain 
Seeing halos around lights
Vision loss  
Redness in your eyes 
Eyes that look hazy 
Blurred vision 

If you have any of these symptoms, you must see a doctor at the earliest.

Diagnosis of glaucoma
Your doctor may perform a few tests. These include:

Measuring corneal thickness (pachymetry)
Measuring intraocular pressure (tonometry)
Checking the drainage angle (gonioscopy)
Testing for optic nerve damage with a dilated eye test 
Checking areas for vision loss (vision field test)

Ayurveda and glaucoma
The old medical system, Ayurveda, offers good treatment for all eye diseases, including Glaucoma. Ayurveda associates Glaucoma with the condition 'Adhimantha' in its texts. It happens due to overexposure to bright light and over usage of eyes, causing strain.

Ayurveda maintains that all of us have three doshas or energy forces- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We are healthy when these doshas are in balance. Each dosha has a primary function in our body. 

Kapha dosha takes care of the lubrication and structure of our body. Glaucoma occurs due to the aggravation of Kapha. It creates excess mucus, which blocks the channels in your eyes.

Ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma
Ayurvedic treatments for Glaucoma are highly effective if the treatment is in the early stages. It can improve your vision and stop the progression. 

The main objectives of the treatment are

Clear the blocks in the eye channels
Strengthen the optic nerve
Nourish the eyes

Nasyam, which is about pouring medicated oil through your nostrils, is a very effective method to clear the toxins and the blocks. Induced vomiting also helps in clearing out the excess mucus in the body.

Nethra Tarpana, placing medicated ghee in a dough form around the eyes, is the main method to strengthen your optic nerve. It also helps to relieve stress and pain. 

Kashayam Dhara, pouring of herbal medicines slowly over the forehead and face, provide healing and nourishment to your eyes.

You have to be in the hospital for 18-21 days for the treatment. It is better to come with a bystander/attendant.

Other treatments for glaucoma
Glaucoma is not curable. Treatment and regular check-ups can slow down or help prevent vision loss. The main aim is to decrease your eye pressure. Depending on your situation, you will have to either use eye drops and medication or surgery.

Eye drops - These will help decrease the eye pressure by preventing the drainage of fluid from your eye. 
Oral medication - If eye drops don't work effectively, you may have to use oral medications. But, there are side effects to this, such as frequent urination, depression, tingling in the fingers and toes, and kidney stones. 
Surgery - there are many surgical procedures. Your doctor will choose the right option as per your condition. The main options are
Tube shunt surgery - The surgeon will insert a small tube shunt in your eye, which will drain out the excess fluid. 
Laser therapy - This is to treat people with open-angle glaucoma. The doctor will use a small laser beam that will unblock the channels in your eye. 
Filtering surgery - Your surgeon will create an opening in the white part of your eye (sclera) and remove the blocked parts from your channels. 
Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery 

Prevention of glaucoma
There are some steps you can take that can help prevent it. These include:

Go for regular eye tests - These tests can help detect glaucoma at its early stage before severe damage occurs. 
Wear eye protection - Severe eye injuries can lead to glaucoma. Make sure your eyes are always protected, especially when using power tools that can harm your eyes.
Exercise safely - Regular exercise will reduce your eye pressure if you have open-angle glaucoma. 
Limit the use of caffeine - Drinking beverages that contain high levels of caffeine can increase the pressure in your eyes. Try avoiding such drinks.
Use medicines as prescribed - Make sure you use the eye drops as prescribed. Otherwise, it could lead to optic nerve damage. 
Follow a healthy diet with a lot of green leaves and fish which are high in omega 3
Sip liquids frequently rather than gulping large quantities in a short time
Sleep with the head in an elevated position