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About Hospital

    Aahana Naturopathy Center Aahana-The Corbett wilderness is a luxurious resort with a Naturopathy, Panchakarma and Yoga Centre. It offers an entirely unique experience of luxury and health. Aahana shares its boundary with Bijrani Zone, giving you a wonderful experience of the wilderness. The graceful forest nurtures a soft ambience in the resort resounding with over 100 species of birds. It is a haven for tourists seeking a peaceful experience away from the hustle bustle of the city and into the heart of luxury and wilderness. The swaying grain growing in the nearby fields gives the air a sweet taste of the crop and a warm feel of the village.

    Aahana Naturopathy Center Aahana-The Corbett wilderness is a luxurious resort with a Naturopathy, Panchakarma and Yoga Centre. It offers an entirely unique experience of luxury and health. Aahana shares its boundary with Bijrani Zone, giving you a wonderful experience of the wilderness. The graceful forest nurtures a soft ambience in the resort resounding with over 100 species of birds. It is a haven for tourists seeking a peaceful experience away from the hustle bustle of the city and into the heart of luxury and wilderness. The swaying grain growing in the nearby fields gives the air a sweet taste of the crop and a warm feel of the village.
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