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Institute Of Natural Healing Kari Nagar

Institute Of Natural Healing Kari Nagar,Karimnagar, Telangana

About Naturopathy

With over 40+ years of experience the Institute Of Natural Healing has been providing the most outstanding nature-cure services, so every person could have the opportunity to receive qualitative medical help.

Our Hospital has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of Bone & joint disorders, Post surgical rehabilitation of fractures, management of Ankylosing Spondylosis, Addictions and Rehabilitation . We are among the most qualified Naturecure hospitals in India with over 40+ years of quality training and experience. We offer extensive NAtural Healing procedures to outbound and inbound patients what it is and we are very proud of achievement of our patients recoveries.

Naturopathy is a holistic integrated medicine where one allows the body to heal it self by providing required conditions. Man has come from Nature, he goes to nature when he leaves mortal coil. To live, healthy life man has to be one with nature.

Naturopathy has origin India it self but it was neglected as it was part of life. Now after many years of battle with diseases, the importance of naturopathy is spreading all over the world but it is still in infancy stage.

Our Comitments
  • To propagate the importance of Naturopathy in the society
  • To follow the naturopathy principles in our day today life
  • To help the patients recover from the diseases, empower their healing abilities and to educate them to lead healthy life style and to promote informed healthcare choices.
  • Naturopthy Medicine follows some Key Principles
  • Healing Power of Body
  • Human body is made up of five great elements
  • Earth
  • Air
  • Water
  • fire and
    Ether The body has an inherit ability to maintain and restore health by balanving those five great elements

    Natural therapies administer to the body to restore the harmony by balancing these five great elements Naturopathy doctors facilitate this healing process by proper application of therapies in a systematic manner

    Treat the root cause not symtomps 
    Naturopathic physicians treat the underlying cause of illness rather than the symtomps of the disease Most diseases inmodern era are also psychosmatic in nature and treatmentd applied bring the balance at physical mental and emotional levels

    Rehabilitations With over 10,000+ plus paralysis cases cured the Reahabilitation Dept of Naturecure stands to be the best at its services.

    Naturopathy With our drugless medications and therapies, lifestyle modification, balanced healthy diet and positive mental approach we stand to cure almost the impossible.

    Yoga Therapy Practice the ancient Indian science with guidance of experts to improve overall health both physically and mentally.

    Acupuncture The ancient Chinese techniques performed by our qualified doctors to reduce severe pains and neurological conditions.
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    Our Treatments
    Acupuncture & Accupressure Treatments
    Acupuncture is one of the main forms of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of sharp, thin needles that are inserted in the body at very specific points. This process is believed to adjust and alter the body's energy flow into healthier patterns, and is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.

    Acupressure is a form of touch therapy that utilizes the principles of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. In acupressure, the same points on the body are used as in acupuncture, but are stimulated with finger pressure instead of with the insertion of needles. Acupressure is used to relieve a variety of symptoms and pain.

    Physiotherapy Treatments
    When you say naturecure centre, many think its only for weight loss and few other common issues. More than 10000 paralysis cases are succesully treated and made them walk on their own, including the left over and complicated cases,
    Many post accident rehabilitation cases are treated

    Severly disabled knee pains cases are treated at this rehab wing The rehab wing has self made instruments apart from regular physiotherapy equipments. DR. Amarender rao has designed his own instruments based upon his experiences with many disabled patiemts,paralysis ,cerebral palsy patients. Unique combination of Exercises, Massage and manipulative techniques, acupuncture, AmarYoga meditation and Specific diet works wonderfully in rahablitaion cases.

    Yoga Therapy 
    Yoga is one among the six systems of Indian Hindu philosophies. The main aim of yoga is to teach means by which the human soul completely united with the supreme spirit pervading universe and secure the absolution.In modern days yoga is an essential element for a successful and contended life.

    Even though its main object is to achieve spiritual fulfillment, its physiological effects on the body can’t be ignored. This spiritual attainment can be had only when the physical body is in perfect health. Yoga therapy can effectively be used to combat the stress and to maintain and improve the health and to treat different diseases through the proper practice of yogasanas (yogic postures), pranayama (regulated breathing) yogic kriyas (cleansing techniques), meditation etc.

    Amar Yoga
    The yoga therapy provided at INH is unique to our hospital and our professionals 
    Set of 100 Asanas specially designed to cater all these above individuals. 
    These asanas never strain your joints instead strengthen and also make you loose weight.

    Diet Therapy 
    Diet therapy is prescribing the right type of food for different diseases concerning with the nutritional requirements of the patients. Diet therapy helps with the corrections of the existing dietary deficiencies, formulations of the diet and educating the patients. According to this therapy the right kind of food consumed should include ample fresh green leafy vegetables, sprouts seasonal fruits, natural juices, steamed vegetables, ,unpolished rice, pulses, butter milk etc.

    Mud Therapy 
    Mud is the one of the five elements (panchabuthas) of nature. In general mud has tonic effect and it has immense effect on body in both health and sick conditions because of absorbing and moisturizing properties.Wet mud when it is applied over the body, with its black color absorbs all the colures from sun and produces different psycho physiological changes in body. It greatly effects the circulation and cools the body. It improves skin activity and has detoxifying effect, invigorating and vitalizing in nature. Mud in the form of packs are applied over different parts of the body to get different effects.

    Ex: Over the abdomen, face, eyes, head, feet etc.

    Chromo-therapy Treatments 
    Chromo therapy deals with the color that is seven color rays of sun i.e. VIBGIOR, each has different effect on the system, for example blue has soothing effect.For decades ancients have researched colors nature and the important role it plays in prevention and treatment of illness.There is a specific relationship between colors and individual. Specific color is used in specific diseases. It has positive psychosomatic effect.

    We have Automatic and manual facilities for Rehabilitation traatments and with our extensive cure we offer rehabilitations in to the following cases:

    Carebral palsy
    Muscular Dystrphy
    Post Traumatic Rehabilitations
    Ankylosing Spondylitis

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